Alarming Surge in Kidnappings Targeting Children and Women Grips Haiti.

Up to this point in the current year, almost 300 cases have been reported, which is close to the total number recorded throughout the entire year of 2022, and three times higher than the count in 2021.

The persistent unrest in Haiti poses a significant danger to the welfare of children and women. According to recent reports from UNICEF, there has been a concerning surge in kidnappings, with nearly 300 cases reported during the initial six months of 2023, almost reaching the entire figure documented for the entire previous year, and nearly triple the number seen in 2021.

In the majority of these incidents, armed groups forcefully abduct children and women to exploit them for financial or strategic purposes. Those fortunate enough to return home face long-lasting physical and psychological trauma that may haunt them for years to come.

The accounts we are receiving from UNICEF colleagues and partners on the ground are deeply disturbing and unacceptable,” expressed Garry Conille, UNICEF Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “Women and children should never be treated as commodities or used as bargaining tools. Exposing them to such unimaginable violence is utterly unacceptable. The alarming rise in kidnappings and abductions is a grave concern, jeopardizing the safety of both the people of Haiti and those providing aid.”

The overall situation in Haiti is catastrophic. Presently, approximately 5.2 million individuals, nearly half of the entire population, are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, with nearly three million of them being children.

Besides the distressing abduction of children and women from the streets, reports suggest that local healthcare systems are on the verge of collapsing, and schools are facing attacks, causing civilians to live in perpetual fear.

The escalation of violence, looting, road blockades, and the widespread presence of armed groups significantly hinders humanitarian operations, making it challenging to provide essential aid to affected communities. With each passing month, fear and complexity intensify, compounding the difficulties faced by those striving to deliver life-saving assistance in an already challenging environment.

UNICEF urgently issues a call for the immediate release and safe return of all those who have been abducted in Haiti. As the ongoing violence continues to inflict devastating consequences on innocent lives, UNICEF remains resolute in its commitment to deliver vital aid and assistance to the children in Haiti who have been impacted by these harrowing events.

“I have personally witnessed the remarkable resilience displayed by Haitian children, women, and families as they bravely confront seemingly insurmountable challenges, refusing to give up,” stated Conille. “However, their courage is being met with escalating, unimaginable terror. This must come to an end immediately.”

Beyond its initial crisis response, UNICEF plays a critical role in supporting the surviving children and victims of these kidnappings. Collaborating with partners, it provides life-saving assistance, ensuring access to medical care, psychosocial support, and safe spaces where children can initiate the process of healing and recovery.

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