AOC Roasts MTG in Explosive Debate Over Intelligence and Glam: ‘Don’t Even Start, Honey!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene clashed fiercely on Thursday evening. Swapping insults, chaos erupted during a House Oversight Committee session. Eventually, the committee voted to hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

A House Oversight Committee hearing descended into turmoil as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene engaged in a heated exchange, hurling personal insults at each other. The confrontation unfolded on Thursday night amidst the committee’s decision to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena.

The dispute ignited when Greene made a disparaging remark about Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas, targeting her choice of ‘fake eyelashes’. Ocasio-Cortez intervened, leading to a back-and-forth of verbal jabs between the two. AOC ultimately dismissed Greene with the retort: “Oh, come on, baby girl… let’s not even go there.”

Chairman James Comer made a fervent attempt to restore order, going as far as revealing, “I have two hearing aids, I’m hard of hearing,” in a bid to quell the shouting.

Throughout the years, AOC and Greene have been embroiled in numerous disputes. Greene has previously accused AOC of displaying behavior akin to a “teenage girl”, taunted her as a “chicken”, and branded her a “little communist”.

The altercation on Thursday unfolded during a committee session discussing whether to cite Garland for contempt of Congress due to his refusal to provide an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Ben Hur.

However, the hearing rapidly descended into chaos as representatives began trading barbs and shouting over each other.

The exchanges were captured on camera, with footage showing Greene directing her first attack at Rep. Crockett.

Greene questioned whether “any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Merchan’s daughter?”

Her inquiry targeted Rep. Dan Goldman, who has enlisted the services of a political consulting firm that employs the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, overseeing Trump’s criminal trial in New York.

In response to Greene’s remark, Crockett retorted, “Please explain the relevance to Merrick Garland.”

Greene fired back, asserting, “I don’t believe you understand your purpose here… Your fake eyelashes seem to be interfering with your comprehension.”

Chairman James Comer intervened, calling for order and halting Greene’s comments.

AOC then interjected, condemning Greene’s remarks as “utterly inappropriate” and questioning, “How can you stoop so low as to attack someone’s physical appearance?”

She called for Greene’s remarks to be “formally challenged,” a procedure allowing the speaker to retract or revise their comments if deemed inappropriate.

Greene retaliated by asking AOC, “Are you offended?”

AOC responded by persistently requesting, “Let’s have her comments formally challenged.”

Greene then exclaimed, “Oh, really?” prompting AOC to retort, “Come on, now! Let’s not even go there!”

Greene countered, “Come on, now? That’s not happening,” to which AOC reiterated, “We will have her remarks challenged.”

Chairman Comer halted the proceedings while deliberating on whether to strike Greene’s words.

During the discussion, AOC voiced, “There’s no way that’s acceptable,” and “not today.”

She emphasized, “We’re not accepting a half-hearted apology. She must genuinely apologize, and Rep. Crockett should have a say in it too.”

Later, Greene agreed to retract her words but refused to apologize, additionally disparaging AOC’s intelligence.

Amidst the intense exchange, other representatives joined in shouting and heckling while Chairman Comer repeatedly called for order.

Later, Crockett sought clarification from Comer regarding whether Greene’s personal attack on her was permitted by committee rules.

She queried, “Just to clarify your ruling, if a committee member were to make derogatory remarks about someone’s physical appearance, would that be considered against the rules?”

Greene responded by urging Crockett to “calm down,” which only fueled Crockett’s frustration, leading her to retort, “Don’t tell me to calm down! You’re instigating all this chaos but can’t handle the consequences!”

As the clamor persisted, Comer, signaling to his hearing aids, expressed his struggle to comprehend amidst the noise, emphasizing, “I’m doing my best, but it’s challenging with all the shouting.”

Crockett later vented on social media, saying, “So MTG decided to attack my appearance in COMMITTEE?! This is the result when intellectually deficient individuals who disregard rules end up in CONGRESS!”

Ultimately, the committee voted to hold Merrick Garland in criminal contempt, advancing the motion to the full House for a vote.

This decision followed President Biden’s invocation of executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interview with former special counsel Robert Hur, aiming to shield Garland from potential criminal charges.

Republicans have capitalized on a statement in Hur’s report regarding the president’s handling of classified documents, suggesting Biden exhibited signs of memory impairment due to age and sought audio evidence.

Garland criticized this maneuver, asserting earlier on Thursday that the Department of Justice had taken extensive measures to furnish the committee with information.

“We’ve taken extensive measures to ensure that committees receive responses to their valid inquiries, but this isn’t one of them,” Garland informed reporters prior to a hearing to advance the contempt charge against him.

In response, Oversight Chair James Comer, R-Ky., countered, “The White House is claiming privilege over the recordings, but they’ve already forfeited that privilege by releasing the interview transcript.”

AOC and Greene have a well-documented history of hostility.

In 2021, Greene targeted AOC, branding her a “little communist” and questioning her American identity, further labeling her a “hate-America terrorist sympathizer.”

AOC swiftly responded on Twitter, quipping, “First of all, I’m taller than her.”

Greene persisted in demanding a debate with AOC, asserting to reporters, “She’s avoiding it. She refuses to engage. The debate hasn’t been confirmed yet.”

Their confrontation reignited last year when Greene accused AOC of exhibiting behavior akin to a “teenage girl” following AOC’s criticism of Greene’s alleged propagation of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

“I’ve repeatedly challenged you to a debate, yet you’ve evaded the opportunity and resorted to baseless accusations on CNN,” Greene tweeted. “When will you mature and engage in substantive policy debates rather than engaging in petty exchanges?”

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