Guterres Asserts: More Female Police Equals a Safer Future for All.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised law enforcement organizations worldwide on Thursday, emphasizing that increasing the representation of women in policing will “forge a more secure future for all.”

He conveyed his statement to commemorate the inaugural International Day of Police Cooperation, a designation established by the UN General Assembly during its 77th session.

The UN chief underscored, “The involvement of women enhances universal access to justice, particularly for victims of gender-based violence, who may find it more comfortable seeking assistance from female officers.”

Female police officers assume vital roles across the entire spectrum of law enforcement activities, encompassing crime prevention, criminal investigations, safeguarding human rights, as well as ensuring safety and security.

Emphasis on community.

A law enforcement agency that mirrors the diversity of its community stands in a stronger position to cultivate trust and assurance, resulting in tangible advantages for safety and improved service provision.

Mr. Guterres further emphasized, “Police forces should mirror the diverse populations they protect. The United Nations assists Member States in guaranteeing equal representation of women in all roles within the police force, including leadership positions.”

Gender parity.

Enhancing police organizations to be more attuned to gender considerations necessitates a better grasp of the obstacles that hinder women officers from achieving complete, equal, and impactful involvement.

He concluded, “Let us collaborate to advance cooperation, nurture gender parity, and construct a safer future for all.”

Observing the first-ever International Day and acknowledging the critical role of women in law enforcement, the UN is urging societies worldwide to embrace police restructuring, enabling women to establish meaningful careers in the service of their communities within the framework of legal governance.

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