Poly Quad Parents Decided Not to Find Out The Paternity Of Their Newborns

By People

Alysia and Tyler Rodgers entered a polyamorous relationship with Sean and Taya Hartless in 2020 and decided not to find out the paternity of the two babies they have welcomed as a poly quad

poly quad family, known on social media as “Polyfamory,” are opening up about what it’s like to parent four children in a household with four parents.

The family — consisting of Alysia Rodgers, 34, and her husband, Tyler, 35, and Sean Hartless, 46, and wife, Taya, 28 — started out as a family of six, coming together in 2020, when Alysia and Tyler and their son and daughter, now 7 and 8, moved into a new home with Sean and Taya, as the couple explained to Today.

The family of six became a family of eight when they welcomed two new babies in March 2021 and October 2021.

“I birthed one and Taya birthed the other,” Alysia told the outlet of the situation, noting the quad “did not regulate the biology,” so they do not know who of the two men is the biological father to each baby.

“We’re all equal parents to all of the children and it’s not up for debate or discussion,” Alysia explained.

“It’s not something that we’re trying to hide from the children either,” she continued. “If they want to know where their DNA comes from, we will absolutely go down that path with them. But at this point in their lives, it doesn’t matter.”

“We wanted to do everything we could to make sure that everybody feels like an equal parent,” Taya added. “At this point, finding out their genetics would change nothing.”

Though the four acknowledge that many people have concerns or criticisms about their family’s structure, the couples know their “polyfamory” is what’s best for their kids, who get the benefit of having four loving parents engaged in their lives, they say.

“At the end of the day, we’re just like any other monogamous family — there’s just four of us,” Tyler says. “Being a parent is so much more than just biology, and that’s what we’re about.”

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