Debate Sparks as Long COVID Patient Seeks Business Class Ticket to US, Hit with Unforeseen Obstacle.

A Delta traveler claims she requires an upgraded seat to cope with long-term effects of COVID-19. She sought crowdfunding support for a Delta One seat on the ten-hour Prague to US flight, but encountered a misunderstanding resulting in a demand for double payment for the seat.

A long-haul COVID survivor, who raised funds for a business class seat on a Delta flight due to medical needs, criticized the airline upon arriving at the airport and being quoted double the price. Actress Laura Baranik sought to book a lie-flat seat using donations to alleviate her severe symptoms during the ten-hour flight from Europe to the US. The Canadian-Slovak writer clarified that she must return to the US from her family’s residence in Prague to secure her green card.

Laura asserted that a misunderstanding during the luxury seat booking process led to her being requested to pay double for an on-the-day upgrade, a price beyond her means. “They have the space, but lack compassion,” Laura expressed, noting the Delta app displayed “20 seats” in the premium cabin. “Capitalism and ableism are unacceptable. I’ve had enough,” she concluded.

Laura detailed her efforts to reserve a Delta One seat, aiming to lie down throughout the journey. Described on Delta’s website as providing “spacious lie-flat seats” reclining to 180 degrees, with amenities including “cozy bedding” and a lumbar pillow doubling as a mattress pad, the upgrade seemed vital for her comfort. “The mere effort of advocating for this upgrade could exhaust me, not to mention enduring a 9.5-hour flight in an upright position,” she shared on X. “Currently, I need to remain horizontal for 80-90% of my day to cope with symptoms.”

Laura asserted that Delta representatives advised her to request an upgrade in person at the check-in desk, only to discover upon arrival that it should have been arranged over the phone. “After contacting three different lines, I was given an upgrade price double what they quoted me yesterday,” she lamented. “The funds I raised aren’t sufficient to cover that, so I’m left in economy. The effort alone of advocating for the upgrade could drain me entirely.” To compound her frustration, she alleged that the wheelchair assistance team, who were “unmasked,” were coughing near her. “One of them is coughing incessantly. I’ve been sitting here with their spittle for an hour now because the flight is delayed due to ‘last-minute maintenance,'” Laura expressed indignantly.

According to the CDC, Long COVID is acknowledged as a genuine ailment that can lead to severe fatigue, joint pain, respiratory difficulties, digestive issues, and cognitive impairment, among other symptoms. “For some individuals, Long COVID can persist for weeks, months, or even years following COVID-19 infection and may occasionally result in disability,” the CDC states. As of April, approximately seven percent of US adults, equating to roughly 17 million individuals, were reported to be affected by Long COVID, as indicated by independent health publication KFF. While many expressed empathy towards Laura’s situation, some accused her of attempting to obtain a free first-class seat through deception. “Grifter’s gotta grift,” remarked one sarcastic user in response to her post. ” ‘End capitalism’… well, yeah, then first class wouldn’t be an option,” another user pointed out. “It sounds like you’re too ill to be on an airplane… Hopefully, Delta will take the necessary precautions and decline your boarding for the sake of your safety and well-being,” stated one user. Others emphasized Delta’s responsibility to assist disabled customers.

“Delta, please step up your game,” urged one X user. “You’re violating the ADA! People have a legal entitlement to safe travel that caters to their disabilities without additional charges.” “This is absolutely unacceptable, Delta! As a loyal medallion customer, I’ve been singing your praises for years. You must rectify this situation and stop mistreating disabled individuals,” emphasized another. “It’s disgraceful that you couldn’t accommodate,” criticized one individual. “Where is your compassion? And there were empty seats available! Moreover, the quoted price discrepancies are simply heartless. I’m deeply sorry, Laura, that you experienced such treatment. Significant compensation is warranted,” they added.

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