Do You Love Candy Corn or Hate It?

By Yolanda Spivey

Candy corn, those iconic tri-colored confections that appear on store shelves every fall, are a candy that tends to provoke strong emotions. For some, these sweet, waxy kernels are a beloved symbol of autumn and Halloween. Others, however, cringe at the mere mention of candy corn, considering them an abomination of the candy world. The love and dislike for candy corn have sparked debates for generations, making them a fascinating subject of discussion.

The History of Candy Corn

Candy corn has a long and storied history that dates back to the late 19th century. George Renninger, an employee of the Wunderlee Candy Company, is often credited with creating the first candy corn in the 1880s. The original recipe for candy corn consisted of sugar, corn syrup, and marshmallow, and it was designed to resemble a kernel of corn. Back then, candy corn was made entirely by hand and was a labor-intensive process.

In the early 20th century, the Goelitz Confectionery Company (now known as the Jelly Belly Candy Company) started producing candy corn on a larger scale, making it more widely available. Over the years, candy corn’s popularity grew, and it became a staple of Halloween and fall festivities.

The Love for Candy Corn

  1. Nostalgia: Many people have fond memories of enjoying candy corn during childhood Halloweens. It is often associated with the excitement of dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating.
  2. Seasonal Tradition: Candy corn’s appearance in stores signals the arrival of autumn and Halloween. It has become a symbol of the season, and its presence on store shelves is eagerly anticipated by enthusiasts.
  3. Unique Flavor: Candy corn has a distinct, sugary-sweet flavor that sets it apart from other candies. Some people enjoy its unique taste and texture.
  4. Versatility: Candy corn is not just for snacking. It is often used in baking and decorating, adding a festive touch to cookies, cupcakes, and cakes.

The Dislike for Candy Corn

  1. Overly Sweet: One of the most common criticisms of candy corn is its extreme sweetness. Some find it cloying and overwhelming, making it difficult to enjoy in large quantities.
  2. Waxy Texture: Candy corn’s texture is another point of contention. Its slightly waxy consistency can be off-putting to those who prefer candies with a smoother or chewier texture.
  3. Limited Appeal: Candy corn’s flavor profile is polarizing. Its sugary, vanilla-like taste may not be to everyone’s liking, leading some to dismiss it as bland or unappetizing.
  4. Health Concerns: Candy corn is high in sugar and offers little nutritional value. As people become more health-conscious, some may avoid it in favor of healthier treats.


Candy corn, with its distinctive appearance and divisive flavor, is a candy that evokes strong emotions. While some people eagerly await its return each fall, others recoil at the mere sight of it. The love and dislike for candy corn are a testament to the subjectivity of taste and the power of nostalgia.

Ultimately, whether you love or dislike candy corn, it undeniably holds a special place in the pantheon of seasonal treats. Its enduring popularity ensures that it will continue to spark debates and discussions for generations to come. So, as Halloween approaches, the question remains: Will you be indulging in these iconic kernels of sugary goodness, or will you be passing them by in favor of other autumn delights? The choice, as always, is yours.

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